A Catholic Approach to Relationships
Dr. Greg Bottaro
Vatican II’s Decrees on the Priesthood
Dr. Schreck talks about the Second Vatican Council’s decrees on Priestly Formation (Optatam Totius) and on the Ministry and Life of Priests (Presbyterorum Ordinis). The former emphasized the centrality of spiritual and pastoral formation of priesthood candidates, while the latter was a ground-breaking document that addressed the life of priests and their particular path to holiness. Dr. Schreck shows how priests are “set apart” through their ordination but not “separated” from the people they serve, following the example of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd.
The role of the bishop in the Catholic Church was one of the important topics taken up by the Council Fathers (who were bishops themselves) at the Second…...
Dr. Schreck explores the Council's decrees on the Church's relationship to non-Christian religions (Nostra Aetate) and on the Church's missionary activity (Ad gentes divinitus). He talks about how…...
Dr. Schreck talks about how the restoration of unity among Christians, or ecumenism, was a priority for Pope St. John XXIII in calling the Second Vatican Council. As…...