A Catholic Approach to Relationships
Dr. Greg Bottaro
Dr. Alan Schreck guides us through the work of the Holy Spirit throughout the history of the Catholic Church - seen in the Church’s rich history of council documents, encyclicals, and other writings.
The role of the bishop in the Catholic Church was one of the important topics taken up by the Council Fathers (who were bishops themselves) at the Second…...
Dr. Schreck explores the Council's decrees on the Church's relationship to non-Christian religions (Nostra Aetate) and on the Church's missionary activity (Ad gentes divinitus). He talks about how…...
Dr. Schreck talks about how the restoration of unity among Christians, or ecumenism, was a priority for Pope St. John XXIII in calling the Second Vatican Council. As…...
Dr. Schreck presents the teaching of the Second Vatican Council on the means of social communication, or the media. He talks about the moral principles of the media's…...
Dr. Schreck highlights the second part of Vatican II's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, or Gaudium et Spes, and discusses the Church's teaching on…...
What does the Church offer to individuals and society? And what does the modern world contribute to the Church? Dr. Schreck discusses chapter 4 of Gaudium et Spes…...
What is a Christian’s role in promoting the common good? Dr. Schreck continues discussing Gaudium et Spes and people’s role and responsibility in promoting the true welfare of…...
Dr. Schreck talks about the first chapter of Gaudium et Spes and how it presents God’s plan for promoting the dignity of each human person. He highlights how…...
How does the Catholic Church view our culture? What is the Church’s mission in the modern world? Dr. Schreck explores the preface and intro of Vatican II’s Gaudium…...
Dr. Schreck explores the last two chapters of Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. He shows how the Church extends from now into the eschaton, or end…...