A Catholic Approach to Relationships
Dr. Greg Bottaro
Into the Desert
In this episode of They That Hope, Father Dave and Deacon Bob delve into various topics, starting with Father Dave’s experience at the Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. They discuss the attempt to banish the “tush push” in the NFL and mention the rising popularity of phone booth boxing. Much of this episode is spent talking about the recent Trump-Zelensky conflict at the White House and the reinstatement of the federal death penalty with personal reflections of Father Dave and Deacon Bob on faith and leadership. The episode concludes with a reflection on a new Lenten initiative featuring Gospel readings and prayers.
Don’t miss the engaging discussions brought to you by faithandreason.com and osvpodcasts.com. Catch more episodes at theythathopepodcast.com.
In this episode of They That Hope, Fr. Dave and Dcn. Bob start with updates on hockey and baseball, including the Yankees' new grooming policy and the adoption of…...
It was an all-star weekend! Fr. Dave and Dcn. Bob discuss the Four Nations Tournament (former NHL All-Star Game), NBA All-Star Weekend, Saturday Night Live’s 50th Anniversary, the…...
Fr. Dave turned 60! He and Dcn. Bob talk about the Super Bowl, NBA trades, anxiety in young people, and the importance of Christian unity.