The Light of His Eyes
Mother Iliana
Our “Super-Essential” Bread
Bob was on vacation in Florida and hadn’t heard much about San Francisco’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone denying the Eucharist to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Fr. Dave fills him in, and they close by discussing what it means to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.”
Dcn. Bob got to be in the tunnel of a Buccaneers game, but Fr. Dave got a private audience with the pope! They talk about sports, insane money…...
In this SUPERCUT episode, you can enjoy all of Fr. Dave and Dcn. Bob's commentary on Pope Francis' encyclical, Dilexit nos, in one fell swoop. Make this the…...
Fr. Dave and Dcn. Bob discuss why they love to talk about sports as much as they do, stories from Thanksgiving, movies they saw over the weekend, and…...