Episode 5

Studying Scripture

00m 00s

Father Dave and Dr. Scott Hahn talk about how we can study Scripture in a practical yet personal way (all without learning Greek!).

In Focus: Overcoming Anxiety & Depression Season 2 | 2024

Limited Time Offer

Free Ignatius Catholic Study Bible With St. Paul Center All-Access Membership

If you want to deepen your understanding of Scripture and the Catholic faith, the new Ignatius Catholic Study Bible draws insights from the best of modern scholarship as well as the best of age-old Catholic tradition. Developed by General Editor Dr. Scott Hahn and Co-Editor Curtis Mitch, the complete Ignatius Catholic Study Bible includes introductions to each book, maps, charts, topical essays, and other Bible study resources. Get the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible for free when you become an All-Access Member of Dr. Scott Hahn’s St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Sign up today!
