The Fatherhood of God
Father Dave Pivonka, TOR
In celebration of the 75th Jubilee of the University, alumni throughout the 75 years will share their candid stories of life on campus and the impact of the university on their life. Join us every 2 weeks as we hear legends from the hill.
Shannon studied English and Theology at Franciscan, and even came back for a Masters in Catechetics, but it was her extracurricular activities as a student that shaped her…...
Anthony Pienta graduated in 2004, having majored in Philosophy, Theology, and Business. Now the Executive Director at The Altum Fund, Anthony has used all three of those degrees…...
Christen (Pine) Routh '07 graduated with a double major in French and Business (Finance) and has enjoyed a successful career with "Big 4" accounting firm Earnst & Young…...
Mary (Jaminet) McCluskey graduated from Franciscan University in 1998 with a communications degree. A life-long worker in the vineyard of the Pro-Life Movement, Mary now leads training and…...
After a student experience marked by pro-life advocacy work, Jason Negri completed a degree in History and pursued a career in law. To this day, he continues to…...
Erin (Wilson) Shircliff graduated with a Theology degree in 2011 and began a career in Pro-Life advocacy. Working at Mary's Shelter in northern Virginia, Erin supports mothers during…...