The Light of His Eyes
Mother Iliana
Vatican II’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy: Part 1
Dr. Schreck discusses how Jesus Christ is present in the sacred liturgy, the role of the faithful in the Church’s worship, and the liturgy as a foretaste of heaven. He explains the structure of the Mass and how it is both the “summit” of the Church’s activity and “the font from which all her power flows.” He talks about Sacrosanctam Concilium, which reveals how the graces offered in the Mass can be most fully and fruitfully received.
Dr. Schreck highlights the second part of Vatican II's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, or Gaudium et Spes, and discusses the Church's teaching on…...
What does the Church offer to individuals and society? And what does the modern world contribute to the Church? Dr. Schreck discusses chapter 4 of Gaudium et Spes…...
What is a Christian’s role in promoting the common good? Dr. Schreck continues discussing Gaudium et Spes and people’s role and responsibility in promoting the true welfare of…...