A Catholic Approach to Relationships
Dr. Greg Bottaro
Vatican II’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World: Part 3
What is a Christian’s role in promoting the common good? Dr. Schreck continues discussing Gaudium et Spes and people’s role and responsibility in promoting the true welfare of society, as well as the relationship between faith and science.
Some have said the Second Vatican Council was the "Council of the Laity." Dr. Schreck talks about Apostolicam Actuositatem, the council's document that activated and broadened lay people's participation in…...
Dr. Schreck talks about the Second Vatican Council's decrees on Priestly Formation (Optatam Totius) and on the Ministry and Life of Priests (Presbyterorum Ordinis). The former emphasized the…...
The role of the bishop in the Catholic Church was one of the important topics taken up by the Council Fathers (who were bishops themselves) at the Second…...